Explore our courses

Choose from a variety of eLearning courses, which come with peace of mind that your organisation is adhering to best practice.

Select your package from a choice of eLearning courses, developed and maintained by leading lawyers.

All organisations
Courses for all staff
Role specific courses
Independent schools

Courses for all staff
  • KCSIE Help all staff to keep children safe at your school by providing KCSIE Part 1 or Annex A guidance and assist governors with the management of safeguarding using Part 2 training.
  • Staff Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – Create a school culture free from discrimination and harassment. Make sure staff know responsibilities and how to raise concerns.
  • Unconscious Bias – Develop staff understanding and awareness of this topic to help them make decisions that may impact others.
  • Anti-Harassment and Bullying in the WorkplaceDemonstrate your commitment to creating a workplace where all staff are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Introduction to Health and Safety – Make sure your school meets its obligation to provide information and training for staff to ensure health and safety at work.
  • Data Protection Essentials Increase staff awareness of what personal data is, how to protect it and the rights of individuals including subject access requests.
  • Information and Online Security – Make sure staff know how to spot a cyber-attack or data breach, and how to keep personal data safe inside and outside of the school.
  • Whistleblowing – Schools recognise that whistleblowing is a key tool in identification when things are going wrong. It allows them to take action.
  • Staff Code of Conduct – Introduce your staff to key features of the Staff Code of Conduct and make them aware of the schools expectations and their obligations.
Role specific courses
Academies & maintained schools
Courses for all staff
  • KCSIE Help all staff to keep children safe at your school by providing KCSIE Part 1 or Annex A guidance and assist governors with the management of safeguarding using Part 2 training.
  • Staff Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – Create a school culture free from discrimination and harassment. Make sure staff know responsibilities and how to raise concerns.
  • Unconscious Bias – Develop staff understanding and awareness of this topic to help them make decisions that may impact others.
  • Anti-Harassment and Bullying in the WorkplaceDemonstrate your commitment to creating a workplace where all staff are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Introduction to Health and Safety – Make sure your school meets its obligation to provide information and training for staff to ensure health and safety at work.
  • Data Protection Essentials Increase staff awareness of what personal data is, how to protect it and the rights of individuals including subject access requests.
  • Information and Online Security – Make sure staff know how to spot a cyber-attack or data breach, and how to keep personal data safe inside and outside of the school.
  • Whistleblowing – Schools recognise that whistleblowing is a key tool in identification when things are going wrong. It allows them to take action.
  • Staff Code of Conduct – Introduce your staff to key features of the Staff Code of Conduct and make them aware of the schools expectations and their obligations.
Role specific courses

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If there is a course that you would like to see, get in touch with Imogen at istreet@vwv.co.uk.